About the Webinar
Traditional RNA-Seq produces a representative snapshot of the transcriptional state averaged across all cells, losing the resolution of individual cells and cellular subpopulations. The 10x Genomics Chromium™ has emerged as the leading choice for researchers to identify and fully interrogate cellular subpopulations. In this webinar, we review how recent advancements of the 10x Genomics Chromium™ system, coupled with GENEWIZ developmental efforts, can benefit the researcher. In addition, we spotlight the new Single-Cell V(D)J Solution, which can be used in conjunction with single-cell transcriptome profiling to identify pairing of full-length BCR and TCR sequences.
About the Presenter
Alan Fox earned his MS degree in Biotechnology from the University of Pennsylvania, where he was first exposed to functional genomics while working with microarrays and next generation sequencing at the Next Generation Sequencing Core. He continued his career supervising and managing clinical molecular-genetics laboratories at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. Currently, he is working as a Technical Application Scientist at GENEWIZ, focusing on custom NGS project support and new solution development.